Fallujah Bomb That Killed 10 US Marines

Update: 6 December 2005
Hoo-boy. What kind of dropdown lists accompany the software used to create these venues?--Flour mill, turnip patch, donut shop, schoolhouse, potato shed...?
BAGHDAD, Dec 6 (Reuters) - Ten U.S. Marines killed near the Iraqi city of Fallujah last week had been at a promotion ceremony (...) in a disused flour mill on the outskirts of the city to celebrate the promotion of three soldiers, a military statement said. As the ceremony ended, the Marines dispersed and one of them is thought to have stepped on a buried pressure plate linked to explosives that caused the devastating blast
It may be true but it sure sounds like someone labored to contrive it.
These images, broadcast by al-Jazeera, are said to be the before, during and after of the December 1 roadside bomb near Fallujah that killed ten Marines. However, the US military has announced that the images do not correspond to that event.
Bless you thank you and stay safe and it is sad only in america can you change true history or is it you can lead the blind off a clift to bad many taking off there blind folds
The US military got caught planning to bomb al Jazeera (again). They found it wasn't for sale, so they created competitors no one believes. What's left? Disparage its truth for the many slower home folks who have yet to hone bull shit detectors.
The US military got caught planning to bomb al Jazeera (again). They found it wasn't for sale, so they created competitors no one believes. What's left? Disparage its truth for the many slower home folks who have yet to hone bull shit detectors.
Editor and Publisher has the explanation for why the US military can be so sure:
NEW YORK Why did the U.S. military mislead the media and the families of ten Marines killed near the Iraqi city of Falluja while "on patrol" last week about how they were killed? The military announced on Tuesday that it actually happened at a "promotion" ceremony and they were not on foot patrol as initially reported.
Families of the victims immediately raised questions about the incident and it was unclear whether the site had been properly swept for explosive devices.
The Marines were in a disused flour mill on the outskirts of the city to celebrate the promotion of three soldiers, a military statement said on Tuesday.
As the ceremony ended, the Marines dispersed and one of them is thought to have stepped on a buried pressure plate linked to explosives that caused the devastating blast.
But CNN, for example, reported four days ago, based on military reports, that the dead Marines "were conducting a nighttime foot patrol when a roadside bomb fashioned with large artillery shells detonated."
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