Nur al-Cubicle

A blog on the current crises in the Middle East and news accounts unpublished by the US press. Daily timeline of events in Iraq as collected from stories and dispatches in the French and Italian media: Le Monde (Paris), Il Corriere della Sera (Milan), La Repubblica (Rome), L'Orient-Le Jour (Beirut) and occasionally from El Mundo (Madrid).

Sunday, May 23, 2004

23 May 2004 Events in Iraq

18.57 Cairo. ARAB LEAGUE: WE WILL NOT SEND TROOPS TO IRAQ. Secretary General Amr Moussa said today that "The sending of Arab troops to Iraq is subordinate to certain conditions, the first of which is the withdrawal of US troops."

17.17 Fallujah. TWO US SOLDIERS KILLED IN FALLUJA AMBUSH. Car bomb rammed into convoy, insurgents open fire from behind palm trees.

16.45 Fallujah. US DELIVERS LIST OF 25 SUSPECTS TO FALLUJA OFFICIALS. A list of 25 suspects in the 31 March contractor lynching is presented to Falluja officials by Col. John Tolan.


13.50 Nassiriya. ITALIAN SOLDIERS ATTACKED BECAUSE THEY ARE WAGING WAR. The Italian NGO Emergency calls for withdrawal of Italian troops from Iraq.

12.35 Washington. RUMSFELD OUTLAWS CAMERA PHONES IN IRAQ. DoD bans camera phones. [We shall not get caught in the act.]

10.50 Baghdad. ULEMA COMMITTEE MEMBER WOUNDED. A member of the Sunni Ulema Committee was gravely wounded while exiting a mosque in Baghdad.

09.50 Najaf. VIOLENT CLASHES IN HOLY CITY. 14 dead, 31 wounded.

09.25 Kufa. US TROOPS KILL 20 PEOPLE. 54 are wounded.

06.50 Basrah. WOMEN KILLED IN BASRAH, 2 DEAD IN BAQUBA. A 60 year old woman was killed and two women and 2 children wounded by mortar fire in Basrah. Meanwhile one policeman and one student were killed in Baquba.

02.30 London. FOREIGN OFFICE MEMORANDUM CRITICIZES USA. Memo leaked to Sunday Times (UK)

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