Nur al-Cubicle

A blog on the current crises in the Middle East and news accounts unpublished by the US press. Daily timeline of events in Iraq as collected from stories and dispatches in the French and Italian media: Le Monde (Paris), Il Corriere della Sera (Milan), La Repubblica (Rome), L'Orient-Le Jour (Beirut) and occasionally from El Mundo (Madrid).

Monday, August 15, 2005

Gaza Evacuation

Here's the list of the settlements to be evacuated starting today. There is going to be trouble, apparently, from religious extremists. The secular Jews have obeyed the law and left before today's deadline.

1. Gush Katif. A bloc of 17 settlements inhabited by religious Jews forming a vast complex monitored by military observations towers and defended by tanks.

2. Neve Dekalim. An enclave of 2,671 hardened colonists founded in 1983. Administrative seat of Jewish colonies on the Gaza Strip. Contains the Jewish Seminary of Neve Dekalim, which displays a memorial to the 1982 evacuation of Sinai by Israel.

3. Kfar Darom. An ultranationalist enclave of 491 inhabitants founded in 1970 and exposed to Palestinian attack.

4. Shirat Hayam. A 40-person colony of bungalows on the beach.

5. Bnei Atzmon. A 646-person colony of religious nationalists with a military academy.

6. Gadid. A colony for French Jews. Has 351 inhabitants. Exports organic produce abroad.

7. Ganei Tal. A colony of 400, founded in 1979. Exports organic produce abroad.

8. Katif. 404 inhabitants founded in 1985. Exports organic produce abroad.

9. Netzer Hazani. 461 inhabitants founded in 1973 and exports organic produce abroad.

10. Morag. A kibbutz where 221 religious radicals reside, founded in 1972.

11. Gan Or. 351 inhabitants founded in 1983, most of whom are ex-students of a seminary devoted the study of sacred texts together with military service.

12. Bedolah. 219 inhabitants, founded in 1986. The colonists painted their houses orange, the symbol of resistance to the evacuation.

13. Rafiah Yam. A colony for secular Jews on the Egyptian border, founded in 1984. Most have left.

14. Pe'at Sadeh. 110 inhabitants founded in 1989. Deserted. The community moved en masse to Israel proper.

15. Tel Katif. A seaside colony of 60 inhabitants founded in 1992.

16. Selav, 50 inhabitants founded in 2001. Initally created as a military base in 1982.

17. Kerem Atzmona. 24 inhabitants founded in 2001.

18. Kfar Yam. 10 inhabitants living on the beach. Founded in 1983.

19. Netzarim. An enclave of 496 ultranationalists, founded in 496 in 1972. Accessible only in armored busses along a road originating in Israel.

20. Nissanit. 1,064 inhabitants, founded in 1982 by evacuees from Sinai. The largest colony for secular Jews, who have already left.

21. Eli Sinaï. 407 inhabitants, founded in 1983. Most have already evacuated. This group of settlers will ask to be re-admitted by the Palestinian Authority.

22. Dugit. 79 inhabitants, founded in 1990. All are members of one of three settler families from the Gush Emunim (Bloc of Believers) movement. Departed voluntarily.

Here is the list of West Bank colonies to be evacuated.

1. Sa-nur. 105 secular Jews live in this colony, founded in 1997 by artists born in Russia. Residents say they are prepared to leave, though hundreds of protesters have come to resist the evacuation.

2. Homesh, 228 habitants, founded in 1980. A mixed community of secular and religious Jews. Will depart voluntarily.

3 and 4. Ganim and Kadim, twin colonies settled apart from others with a population of 340. Most of the colonists are secular Jews and have already departed for Israel proper.


Blogger Nur-al-Cubicle said...

Where's the Palestinian site?

12:36 PM  
Blogger Nur-al-Cubicle said...

ok...I removed your side pending renewed posting. You have to update at least 3 times a week to merit a link. ;)I need to put corrente back, too.

6:02 PM  
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